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High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a common condition that affects your blood vessels. When you have high blood pressure, your blood pushes against your artery walls with too much force and your heart has to work harder to pump blood around your body. Blood pressure is considered normal when it is lower than 120/80 mm Hg. Anything higher may be considered elevated or hypertensive. If left untreated, hypertension can put you at risk of heart attack, stroke, and other health issues. Here are some of the best ways to manage high blood pressure naturally:

1. Exercise Regularly

One of the best ways to manage high blood pressure is to exercise regularly. Regular aerobic exercise can reduce blood pressure by around 5 to 8 mm Hg. You should aim to do at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per day to maintain safer blood pressure levels. Some great aerobic exercises for heart health include walking, cycling, swimming, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), and dancing. Strength training can also help manage high blood pressure, so try to incorporate strength exercises at least twice per week.

2. Eat a Heart-Healthy Diet

A heart-healthy diet is one that is low in cholesterol and saturated fats and rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy. Eating heart-healthy foods can help lower high blood pressure by up to 11 mm Hg. You can follow eating plans like the Mediterranean diet or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) to help you make sure you’re including the right foods in your daily diet. It’s important to ensure you’re eating potassium-rich foods as well, as potassium can lessen the effects of sodium on blood pressure. Foods high in potassium include bananas, beets, potatoes, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, broccoli, leafy greens, oatmeal, and beans.

3. Reduce Sodium Intake

Eating too much sodium can increase the fluid volume in your blood, increasing blood pressure. Reducing the amount of sodium in your diet can make a big difference in managing high blood pressure. It’s generally recommended to consume 2,300 mg or less of sodium per day. However, a limit of 1,500 mg is preferred for most adults. Eating less sodium could lower blood pressure by up to 6 mm Hg. Choose low-sodium versions of foods and drinks, avoid processed foods, and flavor food with herbs and spices instead of salt.

4. Limit Alcohol Consumption

assortment of alcoholic drinks

Drinking too much alcohol can affect your blood pressure, raising it by many points. If you drink alcohol and want to manage high blood pressure, reduce your alcohol consumption to one or fewer drinks per day. This could help lower blood pressure by around 4 mm Hg. If you have been prescribed medications for high blood pressure, it’s important to remember that drinking alcohol can make them less effective, so you may want to abstain entirely.

5. Get Enough Sleep

A lack of sleep can play a role in high blood pressure. Most adults require 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep each night. Regularly getting insufficient sleep can make it difficult to manage high blood pressure. If you struggle to sleep at night, try practicing good sleep habits such as sticking to a regular sleep schedule and avoiding naps during the day. Keep your bedroom dark, cool, and quiet without distractions, and turn off screens at least an hour before bedtime. Avoid going to bed hungry or too full.

6. Manage Stress

stressed man holding head while looking at laptop at work desk

Chronic stress can contribute to high blood pressure. If you experience a lot of stress, try to pinpoint the cause. Then, find ways to avoid or take control of your stressors. You can also practice stress management strategies to lower your stress levels. These could include meditation, deep breathing, physical exercise, massage, social connection, creative hobbies, and anything else that gets your mind off your stressors and helps you relax.

7. Lose Weight

Weight often influences blood pressure. Blood pressure generally increases as body weight increases. Additionally, being overweight can cause sleep apnea, which further raises blood pressure. If you are overweight or obese, losing weight can help lower your high blood pressure. For every 1 kilogram, or 2.2 pounds, of weight lost, blood pressure typically lowers by about 1 mm Hg, though some people see an even more significant drop. It’s important to also pay attention to waist circumference, as carrying too much weight around the waist can increase your risk of high blood pressure.

Supplements for High Blood Pressure

In addition to these diet and lifestyle changes, you may also benefit from taking supplements to support your heart and help lower blood pressure. Heart Duo with CoQ10 provides dual-action cardiovascular support with omega-3 fatty acids and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). These nutrients are known to boost energy production in the heart, protect the cardiovascular system from oxidative stress, lower triglyceride levels, and have a positive effect on blood pressure.

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