sad, neutral, and happy faces
September 9, 2024

Mental health is extremely important. It helps determine how you handle stress, make choices, and relate to others. Taking steps to care for your mental health can result in reduced anxiety, improved mood, improved self-esteem, clearer thinking, and deeper relationships. Caring for your mental health can also help manage health conditions that are negatively affected by stress, such as heart disease. Keep reading to find out steps you can take to improve mental health.

1. Move Your Body

woman dancing alone at home

One of the most proven ways to improve mental health is physical activity. Exercise has a number of mental health benefits, including stress relief, better mood, and improved symptoms of anxiety and depression. Find enjoyable physical activities that work for your body, your health, and your preferences. Examples of movement you may enjoy could include yoga, dancing, gardening, weekend hikes, or seated exercises.

2. Connect with Others

Spending time with others can be very beneficial for mental health. By nature, humans are social creatures, so it’s important to have strong, healthy relationships with other people. Social connection can provide a greater sense of belonging and reduced feelings of loneliness as well as protect you against the effects of stress. Find time to connect face-to-face with family or friends and get involved in the community by volunteering or joining a group.

3. Reduce Social Media Use

close up of hand scrolling on phone

A great way to improve mental health is to cut back on social media. Constantly seeing posts about other people’s lives can cause comparison and feelings of low self-worth, which can increase feelings of depression and anxiety. Make a list of alternative, meaningful activities that can replace your usual scrolling sessions, and try turning off social media notifications or deleting the apps so you won’t be tempted to check them all the time.

4. Get Quality Sleep

It’s no secret that sleep is important for physical health, but you may not know that it also plays a vital role in mental health. A study performed in 2021 found that adults who averaged 6 hours of sleep per night or less were around 2.5 times more likely to feel frequent mental distress than those who slept more than 6 hours each night. Sleep quality also matters, as disrupted sleep can lead to mental health symptoms as well.

5. Eat Mood-Boosting Foods

assortment of mood-boosting foods

Your diet can affect your mental health. If you want to improve mental health, try incorporating mood-boosting nutrients into your meals. These can be found in foods like bananas, berries, whole grains, beans, and fatty fish. However, even more important than what you eat is simply that you eat. Eating anything is better than eating nothing, so make sure you fuel your body with food every day and drink plenty of water to keep your brain hydrated.

6. Spend Time Outdoors

If you want to improve mental health, try heading outside and getting some sunshine. The sun is the best source of vitamin D, which studies have shown can improve mood and attitude. Just five minutes in the sun can be beneficial for your mind and body. If you have an office job or are stuck inside all day, try to find time to stand outside in the fresh air, take a quick walk, or open a window near your desk.

7. Try Relaxation Practices

woman practicing breathing exercises

Relaxation practices can help improve mental health. These practices stimulate your body’s natural relaxation response, which slows your breathing, reduces muscle tension, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress. Examples of relaxation techniques include progressive relaxation, deep breathing, guided imagery, meditation, and artistic expression. Practicing mindfulness and gratitude can also help you feel calmer and ground you in the present moment.

Supplements for Mental Health

Following these tips can help improve mental health. In addition to these lifestyle changes, you may also benefit from taking supplements to provide your brain with the nutrients it needs to function well. Brainmag Support Capsules are specially formulated to boost the brain’s magnesium level to support brain health and nervous system function. Ashwagandha Calm features a purified extract from the ashwagandha plant that has been proven to help the body adapt to physical and mental stressors as well as support restorative sleep.

If you have any questions about improving mental health through lifestyle changes or dietary supplements, please reach out to Lakeland Drug Company today and our caring team will be happy to help!